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My story

My Story
My Story

Why I Relay is in many ways complex. I Relay for hope, for a cure and to remember.

Sixteen years ago, after giving birth to my youngest child, the doctors told me I had cancer. Me? Yes You. 16 years later, here I am, seemingly unaffected, but still so affected! I lost my Grandfather to cancer years ago, he suffered in pain, cancer robbed him, and my family of many years that should have been. In 2009, cancer showed its ugly self to my family again. This time my mother - my mother was diagnosed in early 2009 and by March, we were burying her, at least this time she was spared the suffering, Mom died of a blood clot that travelled to her lungs - suffocating her in her own blood, 3 short months after diagnosis, she and we were robbed, robbed of time that should have been. Not so long later my brother's wife, this time. It (Cancer) made her suffer, and suffer badly - but it's over now, she passed away, cancer robbed my brother of a long life with his wife, the opportunity to retire with his wife, cancer robbed again. My Dad, very sick with COPD, diagnosed with cancer, died last July - robbed again... My daughter - just a young child in Grade 7 watched as her best friend, diagnosed with Cancer, left school to have her leg amputated but she came back, strong, and with determination to fight. I Relay for Dana in spite of CANCER - so hopefully, one day, my children, maybe can say, they have no memories of anyone suffering with cancer. I Relay for every family living with the suffering, living with the knowledge, living with the memories. I Relay to end this.


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