Canadian Cancer Society

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What Relay Mean to Me

I do it so someone else doesn't know what it feels like to lose their father before they should.

I participate to Relay For Life in memory of my Dad Ron. My dad was diagnosed with liver and bowel cancer the spring I was 12 years old, My dad was in my 12 year old mind invincible, there was nothing he could not do or survive. I learned the truth why too soon and too cruelly. My dad fought like he did with everything else in his life. But unfortunately after less than 11 months he could fight no longer and at the age of 57 he died leaving behind a wife, three kids ages (15, 13, and 10), his mom, two sisters, one brother and a whole lot of extended family. I join relay for life in hopes that no one else one day will have to hear the words "your dad isn't going to make it".
I join so no other family has to feel the pain of losing someone else.
I join so someone else will have their father there to teach them how to drive, scary the first boy they bring home, walk them down the aisle, have that father-daughter dance we all dream of one day having.
I join to no one else feels the helplessness and the anger of losing someone.
I join to help stop the Hurt.


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