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Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer

Fighting the fight and not giving up

I was diagnosed with Lung cancer in August of 05 and in October of 05 I had 3/4 of my right lung removed and 6 of the 7 lymphnoids removed. I have been in remission for 7 yrs this June.
In December of 05 I started Chemo and January of 06 I was sent off to Saint John for Chemo and and 5 weeks of radiation. After the 5 weeks of radiation, I returned home to Hartland to finish up on the Chemo till June.

That was the hardest thing I have ever lived through. I just wanted to give up, but, I could not, my family, friends and community would not allow that to happen. Through there strength, love and committment they got me though it.

Just when I thought it was all over, in Feb of 07, I ended up back in the hospital for a triple bypass.

Prior to finding out I had cancer, I was a fitness freak, taught 13 fitness classes a week, ran 10 miles a day, weight trained 2 hours a day. I did not think for a second I would ever end up having cancer, and fighting for my life.

Cancer does not discriminate, No matter your age, gender or life style, it could happen to you at any moment.

I thank God I was physically fit, had wonderful family and friends to see me though this, because without all those support groups, I'm not so sure I would be here today.


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