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Kelsey Lana Hill (13 years old) was taken from us December 13, 2011, after battling a rare and aggressive form of brain tumour. Kelsey's amazing spirit and legacy continues to help other children battling cancer.

Kelsey fought a rare and aggressive form of brain tumor for 15 months and despite enduring 3 brain surgeries (which caused her left side to become paralyzed); 36 rounds of radiation to brain and spine; 6 months of chemotherapy and over 600 needle pokes to her body, Kelsey still wanted to help other children battling cancer.
Kelsey formed TEAM KELSEY and raised awareness on childhood cancer and fundraised for organizations who assisted her during her battle.
Today we continue Kelsey's efforts through TEAM KELSEY and encourage Childhood Cancer Awareness and fundraise for organizations that assisted Kelsey and our family in our greatest time of need.


2024 Soci?t? canadienne du cancer. Tous droits r?serv?s. Confidentialit?