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The Greatest Man Alive

the Greatest Man Alive
the Greatest Man Alive

My story is about my father and my hero, he passed away feb 15 2013.

My story is about my father and my hero; he passed away Feb 15, 2013. In 2009 my father was diagnosed with cancer he did treatments and surgery and still got up every day to go to work, we were happy when the doctors told us that dad was clean and cancer free! We celebrated....unfortunately 6 months later when dad and I went for a follow up apt; we received bad news that the cancer had come back! And this time it had spread to his lungs and lymph nodes, I remember the drive home, he said so I have cancer again? I said yes dad but you will get through it, you are strong, he said I know… dad once again did treatments but the cancer continued to spread to his bones over time, but that didn’t stop him he got up every morning and continued on with work with only having mobility to one arm, my father didn’t let cancer take over his life, and that I admire… the night before my father passed, he and I had a moment as he lied in the hospital bed at home because he choose to pass at home and I was his primary caregiver, he hugged me and asked me.. Do you love me? I said of course I love you... he said good because I never meant to put you through this and I love you lots and give me kisses.. I still cry for him because I’m 25 and my sister is 16, I feel empty without him and I didn’t think it was fair that such a hardworking man could be taken from me...

My dad lived by three words… Courage, determination and strength...
I love and miss him dearly every day, let’s make cancer HISTORY!


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