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My Story

My Story
My Story

It is hard to find anyone these days who has not been touched by cancer. Cancer is a journey, where the life of the person battling it and all those people supporting them are drastically altered. My life changed eight years ago.

Eight years ago my life changed when my Dad was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Our battle, and I say "Our" because it was very much a family affair, lasted about 10 months. From his initial signs, to finally being diagnosed, to his treatment that had no effect on the cancer, to the long last three months of his life where the priority was just making him comfortable, to his eventual death; my sister, my aunt and myself were there every step of the way. Our journey was made even more difficult by the geography. My dad being the worldly person he was lived in Majorca, my aunt lived in England and my sister and I lived in Canada. It meant a lot of long distance calls and many plane trips for us to support my dad through this ordeal but we did it and I am very thankful to everyone (and there is too many people to mention) who helped us achieve that. Even though my Dad's battle with cancer did not have a happy ending, I am grateful to have been able to be there for him even if it was probably the hardest thing I have ever done. I keep his memory alive in my children, who never had the chance to get to know him, by telling stories and having pictures around of him.

I know my story is only one of so many others and that is why I am so happy to participate in the Relay for Life. It helps to cope with the loss of my dad by connecting with others, like Crystal who lost her sister and Kris who lost his mother. I am so thankful that they have invited me to join their team because they have helped me take the first step to feel like I can do something to fight this disease.


2024 Soci?t? canadienne du cancer. Tous droits r?serv?s. Confidentialit?