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For All Of Us

For All Of Us
For All Of Us

This is an open, very honest account of what makes me tick as a Cnacer Fighter.

Why I Relay

As you are all aware, I am currently fighting Cancer. It has been a life altering experience with many ups and downs. From diagnosis, to surgery, to my current chemo treatment schedule, life has changed in many profound ways. I am really excited about participating in this year's Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life because every step I take in Relay raises money to help the Canadian Cancer Society save lives.

Join me in my fight against cancer by supporting my participation in Relay For Life NOW. It's easy - just click on the orange "Donate to (my name)" button near the upper right side of this page (above the thermometer).

I would like to share some thoughts that came flowing out this morning that may help put some things into a different perspective in regards to being a Cancer Fighter, or living with someone fighting Cancer. Also a glimmer of what it is like being on the FIGHTING CANCER side of the fence. Thank You ALL for your indulgence and reading this post.

"PRIDE: a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc."

When diagnosed with Cancer, one must put pride aside. You will be poked, prodded, scoped and poked. You will have more people interested in every part of your body than you ever fantasized about. Gene Simmons hasn't had this much attention. You will meet many people who are doing all the same things. They may want to talk about it, they may not. You will shed more tears than you ever thought possible. Even more than when "Fluffy" your beloved kitty was found hit by a car. You will soon realize that "PRIDE" is a luxury you can no longer afford. You will release your inhibitions and accept the fact that you HAVE CANCER. All the poking and prodding is necessary, and every person from your wife, children, medical professionals, and the neighbor down the street are just concerned. It WILL be hard to look into your wife's eyes each day and see the sadness she so bravely tries to disguise. It WILL be hard to look at your scars and not feel as though you have been robbed. But with Strength, Love, Trust, and Faith, you will reach a place that requires a different definition of "Pride".

"PRIDE:....the state or feeling of being proud.

a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem."

The latter is a much more fulfilling state of mind than the prior.

I now remind you ALL that when you make a donation to the Canadian Cancer Society's Relay For Life, you are in fact helping ALL of us currently fighting cancer, and all of those whom in the future will be forced to take up the battle. It is today's DONATION that WILL help tomorrow's FIGHTERS.

Thank You,

Richard Bone


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