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At age 20, I had to give up becoming a father!

At age 20, I had to give up becoming a father!
At age 20, I had to give up becoming a father!

In 1992 a small lump appeared in my neck on one side.

In 1992 a small lump appeared in my neck on one side. The strange thing was a funny name for a student administration: Hodgkin lymphoma types. I was 20 years old, had a life ahead of me and was told I had a tumor of the lymphatic system. The good news was that the doctors knew what I had. The bad were that the disease had progressed in my body. Appropriate treatment was chemotherapy.

Before starting treatment, the doctor asked me to do a semen analysis to assess the possibility to freeze my sperm. Indeed, the proposed treatment is hard on the human male reproductive system. Unfortunately, not possible for me to proceed with this option. He informs me that I will not become a father, but he will do everything he can to heal me. I so wanted to become a father... He won his bet and two years later, I left with a backpack to travel the world.
At age 25, I met a wonderful woman who later became my wife. After 5 years together, the subject of family was regularly on the agenda. Of course, I had explained my situation very early in our relationship. We evaluate our options when finally we decided to consult a specialized institute in assisted reproduction.

In my head, we were there to evaluate the option that has a child with someone else's semen. The urologist insists to proceed on a semen analysis! I just did not want to fantasize, but he insisted on telling me that technologies have evolved, and sometimes, fertility may return. He won his bet, I had indeed opportunities. I could become a father. It came back, although chances were very low without help.

It was then that a series of attempt to have a child begun. My wife, who was terrified of needles follow through. I still remember that day the nurse came to us with the results of the test by telling us: "It's positive! ". Today, I am a father of a little girl of six years, which is called Olivia. dream awake

After a memorable wedding along with our daughter, then a little over a year, we are still trying to have a second child. The miracle still happens once, and a little boy named Xavier joins our family.

So that's how our story ended with assisted reproductive technology. Still believing that having a natural child would be nearly impossible. This is at least what the doctor in charge of us at the reproduction clinic had told us. This time, the doctor lost his bet. A little girl named Anaïs showed that unlikely is not impossible.
I am happy to share this story with you. I am 40 years old, I am married to a wonderful woman and the father of three children. I have a life ahead of me, again.

Thank you


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