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So no parent has to hear the words "Your child has cancer"...

Sitting in the emergency room at the local children's hospital, praying my 21 month old daughter did not have pneumonia is a day I will never forget, a day where my world changed forever...

A cough that lasted over 8 weeks brought us to emergency, thinking my daughter had pneumonia, praying she did not.

After a physical examination, the doctors felt that the cough needed to be put aside and ordered chest X-rays and an ultrasound, they told me they felt a lump in her stomach and needed to investigate a possible enlarged liver.

After tests and hours of waiting, a team sat down with me to explain my daughter had a form of kidney cancer and would need surgery ASAP. Your world quickly crashes as the thought of cancer in such a small body. She had a nephrectomy, a tumor weighing a pound and a half and over six months of needles, chemotherapy and hospital stays.

She is a survivor. We are thankful for every day we have and we relay so that we fund important research, especially for underfunded childhood cancers, mostly with no known causes.
We relay so no parent ever has to hear the words that their child has cancer.
We relay for everyone fighting and A CURE to this beast!


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