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My brother and my children's Uncle Rob (RIP)

My brother and my children's Uncle Rob (RIP)
My brother and my children's Uncle Rob (RIP)

Rob's fight didn't end on January 10, 2009. It must continue so that others can be given the chance of survival!

In August of 2008 we got a phone call indicating that my brother had stage four Colon cancer. The disease had spread to various areas of his body including the liver, which blocked his ability to have chemo or radiation therapy.

We spent many months traveling back and forth to Alberta from Ontario, visiting and providing emotional support. The cancer not only took my brother on January 10, 2009, but it also drove a wedge into our relationship with my brother's wife. This is a nasty disease that causes stress and anxiety to everyone it impacts. I participate in Relay For Life, so that researchers can find a cure, and so that others will some day not have to deal with this kind of hurt.

Cancer is a vicious disease and it MUST be stopped!!


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