Canadian Cancer Society

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Believe & Hope

Believe & Hope
Believe & Hope

Rhonda Remedios - Why I believe in this Relay for Life!

Why am I doing this?
With the risk of more than one in four of us getting some kind of cancer over a lifetime; each of us is likely to experience cancer either personally or through a family member or friend or colleague or a neighbor. From the moment of diagnosis, to the treatment effects, follow-up care, financial, family and caregiver issues cancer affects us in so many ways...
I remember my first encounter with a Cancer patient when I was 10 years old. My father's colleague had cancer and in the latter part of his illness; had shrunk to? the size he used to be. I remember thinking what a cruel illness this must be where someone changes entirely and together with his family and friends suffer so much. Over the years I have encountered cancer more often on a personal basis. I am doing this Relay because :
1. My friend's son was afflicted with the disease at only 2 years of age and succumbed to it 5 years later.
2. I am doing it because of a 2nd young boy, who was first diagnosed at age 10 and did not get to celebrate his 14th birthday...
3. I am doing it because of my cousin, and several friends, who remained positive through it all;
4. I am doing it for my father-in-law who survived for more than 15 years after successful surgery and my mother-in-law who succumbed to it;
5. I am doing it for the families they left behind ;
6. I am participating for all the cancer patients at Credit Valley Hospital and in the Mississauga region
7. I am participating for the many, many Survivors who continue to give us Hope!
Nowadays, with all the research, new technology and better drugs; it is no longer a death sentence there is hope, there is Life! Come share with me this passion for Hope! If you can't attend; then please sponsor us; get your organizations to lend a hand; bring us coffee; - just get involved! Come and share your stories; your faith and your hope in newer and more advanced technology and treatments right here at Credit Valley Hospital and in your neighborhoods!


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