Canadian Cancer Society

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Blessed to be a part of this!

I am truly thankful to be walking as a SURVIVOR in my first relay!

I am able to walk in these years RELAY FOR LIFE as a survivor because of the many people who give so much of themselves by coming together and sharing a common GOAL to help fight CANCER. It is because of these supportive events that myself and others who have been touched by this disease in different ways are able to share their stories and their personal journeys. We are able to share the comfort and support that we need to overpower cancer together, to find the treatments and cures that we are all so close to achieving because of the wonderful ability that EVERY PERSON in the medical field has been blessed with. They work endlessly at making this disease HISTORY. Everyone who contributes in their own special way by generously volunteering, donating in many different ways, TIME, SUPPORT and FINANCIALLY so that a CURE can be discovered. I am forever grateful and thankful for events like this that we ALL benefit from. We can ALWAYS ILLUMINATE the night TOGETHER. We need never to feel overpowered by darkness. Instead, we should EMBRACE and feel the WARMTH of the endlessly RAYS OF SUNLIGHT! WE can do this together! Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my personal journey, who have been so selfless and giving of themselves. I can proudly walk as a SURVIVOR solely because of you. I am able learn and grow with my daughter and I thank you for this. I am forever thankful for the chemotherapy that I viewed as being BITTERSWEET however, with every CYCLE I grew closer and closer to it, learning to love and appreciate the chemo as I very much looked at it as my LIFELINE!
With an abundance of empathy, care and support,
Pina De Salvo.


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