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My Mom, My Sister and Me

My Mom, My Sister and Me
My Mom, My Sister and Me

I relay because I understand loss, celebration and hope.

A phone call can change your life....
It was a beautiful December morning. I was up early and out for a run in the frosty air. It was exhilarating and beautiful to breathe in the clean fresh ocean air and feel strong and alive.
When I returned home, I stripped and ran the hot steamy shower. I looked down on the floor and saw what looked like droplets of blood in my sports bra. A red flag appeared but I jumped into the shower and continued with my day. Later that afternoon as I prepared to do the laundry I noticed all of my bras were spattered with little sent me to my doctor in a flash. Not to worry she is probably nothing, but I will never forget her sharp intake of breathe as she examined me. The phone call I will never forget came later that week and then my world was filled with needles, stitches, tears and family whose eyes never met mine. I had a 5 cm tumor that had gone to the nodes and so chemo and radiation were my next hurtle. I will never forget the kindness of the Lodge that they embraced each of us and gave us a soft place to fall. My chemo and radiation took up over a year of my life and it was not an easy year. Much of it I do not remember....chemo fog, extreme fatigue and finally a downward spiral and a decreasing willingness to go on overtook my soul and spirit. It took some gentle and not so gentle words from my friend Barb to move me to fight for my life. Thank you for that Barb!
I next joined the Hope Chest, filled with beautiful women who had also been on the fight of their lives. Our journey was not easy but we learned so much from each other. We lost many of them to this insidious disease but we shared much and loved much along the way.
I am excited to say that I will be ten years in remission this December. Thank you to the Canadian Cancer Society and the Lodge that gives for a helping gentle hand. I am forever in your debt.
Since that time, I lost my beautiful sister to breast cancer. She fought a valiant battle and left this world with strength and dignity that leaves me humbled. My mom was also later diagnosed and is now also a survivor.


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