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Not even Cancer can get me down

Not even Cancer can get me down
Not even Cancer can get me down

I join the Relay this year because I recently receive news that I have cancer once again. When I look at all the survivors and the positive energy that surrounds everyone it gives me courage to keep going.

I remember the day my doctor told me I had Leukemia. Everything stop I could see my doctor lips moving but all I could hear were my thoughts. I wanted to scream noooooooo this is not happening to me. For the first time in my life I felt hard cold fear. You hear stories about cancer survivors or you know someone who has died from the big "C" but when you are told you have cancer, everything changes in a span of minutes. My life as I seen it was about to change. Here I was 25 year old with four kids to take care of and I had no control over how my life was going to be dealing with what could be a fatal illness. Once everything finally sank in I promise myself that Cancer will not bring me down. This was just another chapter of my journey call life.
I built myself a strong support system, my son was and still is my guardian angel. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be here today. At age of ten my son gave me his bone marrow which in turn saved my life. I was now blessed with a second chance. Life all I live is never the same after you have fought Cancer; you view things and do things differently. I don’t let petty little things get to me like they used too. I cherish my love ones more than anything else because without them I’m not sure how I would have dealt with everything.
Few months ago I was diagnose with bone cancer. Now here I am 42 yrs of age and once again face with yet another battle. This time however I have amazing friends who are there for me and give me positive energy. I also have an amazing hubby and who is my inspiration and supports me, understands me and does everything he can to reassure my fears or doubts that I may have. I also have my sister in my life now who has been such trooper trying to deal with her own health issues and be there for me when I need her by my side. My foundation is strong this time around and my mental and emotional state is also stronger knowing this isn’t my first picnic at this but I am determine to beat this illness one more time because I know now that Not even Cancer can take me down.
To all survivors out there and the ones who are still fighting remember that the only thing that matters is the moment. Don’t live in the future nor live in the past. All we really have is "this moment". Live your life and not the Cancer. You might not be able to control it but you sure can control how you will live through it. For all those who we lost along the way because of the big "C" you will always be in my thoughts and part of my heart.


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