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I was 17 when diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I am going to be 56.

When I was in my seventeenth year, I was diagnosed with a large tumor on my left ovary. I had the ovary and the tumour removed and was sent to Saskatoon when they found the tumor to be malignant. I then had a complete hysterectomy. There were no other choices. It was a part of my life that I put into a compartment in my mind so that I wouldn't have to deal with it.

Until the first Relay for Life in Humboldt!

I saw my name on a luminary and didn't stop crying for a long time. It was then that I realized that I truly am a survivor. I survived a horrendous disease that wanted to kill me. Each year that passes is a victory year. Be proud that you can walk this lap of victory. I am.


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