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Loss of bladder control after prostate surgery

Loss of Bladder Control after Prostate Surgery
Loss of Bladder Control after Prostate Surgery

H.W. Beecher once said, "Troubles are the tools by which God fashions us for better things". This may have been one of those times.

Dad was not prepared for cancer and he certainly wasn't prepared for incontinence either. When my father, Henry Rennich, heard the words, "Your tests have come back positive for prostate cancer," his whole world changed.

Over the next five years he underwent radiation treatments and two cryosurgeries, while still trying to maintain his active lifestyle. He was elated to learn his cancer was in remission but very disheartened to learn the last surgery had left him with no control of his bladder.Dad had previously been very active and social, but this new problem left him despondent, lonely, embarrassed and reluctant to leave his house. He knew he was not the only man ever to be diagnosed with incontinence but he had no idea where to turn for support or advice. He was very optimistic when his doctor told him about 'incontinence clamps', designed to control bladder leakage. However, his excitement quickly turned to disappointment when he found these clamps to be cumbersome, uncomfortable and just did not perform as expected.

My father had always been an innovative guy and after some in depth thought and analysis he realized why the clamps on the market did not work. He headed to his basement and came up with a whole new game plan. Dad decided that loss of bladder control was not going to stop him from living his life, and he also came to the conclusion it would take a user to come up with the perfect incontinence device. He proceeded to design the first prototype of the Dribblestop? Incontinence Clamp. It was crude and none too pretty, but it worked and he could control his bladder leakage and he was elated. Within days he was back golfing and dancing, and finalizing that trip with mom.

Dad was now attending prostate cancer support group meetings in Calgary so he had no trouble finding men, also with incontinence, to test and evaluate his device. With their combined knowledge and positive feedback, Dad modified and perfected his design until he knew his incontinence device was by far the best.

What started off as a simple plan to control his own incontinence turned into a whole new mission in life. He moved forward with his plan, set up Rennich Industries Ltd. in Calgary, AB, and began to manufacture and distribute his clamp.
That was fifteen years ago, and since that time Dad feels that the time, effort and money he put into perfecting his device was well worth it just to regain his active lifestyle. He derives great satisfaction knowing his invention is benefiting others. His enthusiasm is shared by the many men from around the world who wear the Dribblestop?, and call or send letters attesting to the renewed lifestyle the clamp has provided.

Dad still attends prostate cancer support meetings, still goes for his regular PSA tests and is still wearing his invention. Cancer and its side effects led him down a path that no one could have foreseen. His personal struggles changed his life and ultimately changed the lives of the many men who followed behind him. He just wants men to know they can control their incontinence, regain their independence and lifestyle and get back to loving their life.

If you require information please call Henry at his toll free number 1-866-748-2548 or visit our websites at or


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