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My Best Friend and Mother Sally

My mother, Sally, was diagnosed with Lung Cancer on April 3 2009 and passed away peacefully on June 11 2009.

My best friend in the whole wide world passed away on June 11 2009 in the early morning with my dad David, sister Maryann, friend Miriam and I Lillian (youngest daughter). My mother Sally was diagnosed with lung cancer on April 3 2009. She called me the moment she found out! I just couldn’t believe it. I thought to myself, OMG! We went to every appointment. On May 7 2009, all tests were done and all results were confirmed. The doctor told us she had a stage 4 cancer. The doctor also told us she had only few weeks to live and that we should enjoy our time with her. 34 days passed on and my best friend, mom, passed away. I can't believe that cancer can take someone so precious to you. Everyday, I look at my mom’s picture and I talk to her and ask her why she left so soon. Today, my dad and I talk to each other every other day. It feels great that we all have great memories of her. I LOVE MY MOM ALWAYS! I'M so grateful that she was my best friend and mother. Sally had a huge family, married for 41 years, 5 children, 25 great grandchildren and 8 great-great grand children. God bless you all.


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