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Cancer Hurts Too Much

I survived cancer at the age of two and I lost my father to cancer when I was fifteen. I miss him so much everyday and I hope that by participating in event like the Relay For Life it will help bring us closer to finding a cure to a tragic disease.

"Please kiss my head better", I would ask my family around me as I sat in the hospital with staples in my head.

I was two years old when diagnosed with a brain tumor. My grand parents first noticed something was wrong when I began to walk strangely. My mom noticed that I began to use my other hand suddenly to do things like coloring or brushing my hair. One day I totally lost my balance and fell backwards down the stairs. I remember how wonderful all the doctors and nurses were to me and I still keep in touch with a special few.

Only 12 years later tragedy struck our family again. My father had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and was given only months to live. He was in great pain but tried hard not to show it as to not upset us. He lost a ton of weight and didn't look like my dad any more. I went with him for many of his treatments and I would sit with him and talk. He had sworn my mother to secrecy and so neither my sister or myself knew that we would soon lose our father forever. Forever is a long time to lose someone and I hope that one day we will all be able to enjoy life without cancer in our lives at all.

Best wishes and luck to those in the fight and congrats to those who have survived the battle like myself. Love to those who have lost the battle.


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