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A poem for my father, a victim of esophageal cancer

A Poem for My Father, A Victim of Esophageal Cancer
A Poem for My Father, A Victim of Esophageal Cancer

This is a poem I wrote for my father who died this year in September. It helped me get through this hard and I was given the opportunity to read it at his funeral.

I have written this poem in honor of my father, who passed away late September of this year. I am 18 years old and began my first year in University of Toronto this year. I am internally grateful to my father for persisting to see my high school graduation and see me begin my post secondary education. He was, and still is, the strongest person I know and he will always be in my heart. After reading this poem at his funeral, many asked if they could acquire a copy of my poem. A friend of my mother's suggested I share it with the Cancer Society; it helped me get through this difficult time and I can only hope it may do the same for others or even show to people suffering from cancer now that everyone around you appreciates and loves you for your strength and courage in this fight against cancer.

You fought not on the fields of war
But in the comfort of your home
You fought not with comrades in arms
But by yourself, scared and alone
You fought not with guns and bombs
But with your own sheer will of mind
You fought not in a uniform with badges and crests
But in your sweats and hospital gown
You fought not the enemies that can be seen
But only the ones you could feel
You fought not for your country
But for your friends
And family
And wife
And sons
There was only one casualty of your war
There was only one sacrifice
There was only one death
The history books will not know of your war
But that does not make you
Any less courageous and strong
Than a soldier


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