What are the federal political parties doing about cancer?

Dr. Barbara Whylie, signing letters to candidates

Dr. Barbara Whylie, CEO of the Canadian Cancer Society, wrote to the federal leaders of the Bloc Québécois, the Conservative Party, the Green Party, the Liberal Party and the New Democratic Party, and asked them how their parties are addressing three important cancer-related issues that Canadians are concerned about.

We want to know where they stand on support for unpaid cancer caregivers, the community’s right to know about cancer-causing substances they may be exposed to, and about the increasing availability of cheap, illegal cigarettes that encourage youth smoking.

Below are the questions Dr. Whylie asked. (We have posted the full content of the letters if you wish to read them.)

1. What measures will you take to support caregivers and show leadership on this important issue for Canadian families?

2. What new measures will your party take to get tobacco contraband under control?

3. Would your party support a ban on flavoured cigarillos and other tobacco products?

4. Would your party support stronger laws to curb tobacco advertising and to better control tobacco packaging?

5. What does your party intend to do to ensure that citizens are made aware of the chronic health hazards associated with the products that they use?

How the parties responded

Bloc Québecois logo      Bloc Québécois
   Green Party logo                          
  Green Party        
Liberal Party logo      
      Liberal Party

NDP logo  New Democratic Party

Conservative Parti logo        
             Conservative Party: no response