Highlights - Relay For Life students - Canadian Cancer Society Skip to Main Content
Relay for Life - Canadian Cancer Society


We've done a lot over the years

Since the first Relay For Life youth event in Canada in 2002, the number of Relays and participants have increased each year. In 2013, over $2.8 million was raised by students across the country.

We are thankful for the thousands of students who have made our Relay For Life youth events so successful and inspiring. Their efforts have truly made a difference in the fight against cancer. Together with our community events, these remarkable youth events celebrate survivors, remember loved ones and fight back against a disease that touches too many lives.

In 2013:

  • 101 Relay For Life youth events took place across Canada.
  • 25,450 youth participated on 2,604 teams.
  • 1,243 celebrated their survival at Relay youth events.
  • 2,822 volunteers made it happen.