Why we fundraise
Your support matters. Every dollar you raise or donate makes a difference - lives are changed and saved every day because of Relay For Life. By supporting Relay For Life, you’ll help:
Fund Canada’s most promising cancer research to save more lives. More people are surviving cancer than ever before. Today, more than 60% of people diagnosed with cancer will survive compared to only about 25% in the 1940s when we began funding research.
Ensure no one has to face cancer alone. We offer compassionate and personalized services to those diagnosed with cancer, as well as supporting their families and friends. We are here to help answer questions about treatment, diagnosis, care and more. We help connect people when they need to talk and link them to other services in their community.
Stop cancer before it starts. Our researchers are leading the fight to prevent cancer while we promote healthy lifestyles and advocate for policies that protect our health and support people with cancer and caregivers.
"Progress in research made possible by the Canadian Cancer Society's donors saved my life. I am so grateful to them. When I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, the survival rate was 75%. Now it is more than 90%." - Emma Maclean, cancer survivor and Relay For Life Youth committee member