Fight back to support caregivers

Why we need action

One in four Canadians have cared for a family member or close friend with a serious health problem in the last 12 months. This often results in lost income, as well as the increased financial burden of unforeseen expenses such as, transportation, medical equipment and supplies, pharmaceuticals, and more. The ideal solution for this is to create a strategy to increase financial support for caregivers. 

Who are caregivers?

  • A majority of caregivers are women (77%).
  • 41% used their personal savings to survive.
  • 22% are missing one or more months of work.
  • 65% of households with caregivers report an annual household income of less than $45,000.

What are the key issues?

  • The Canadian population is ageing, accordingly the number of caregivers is also on the rise.
  • Caregivers are the invisible backbone of the healthcare system, providing $6-9 billion in unpaid care every year.
  • Helping families deal with the impact of caring for seriously ill or dying loved ones is central to maintaining the social fabric of this country.
  • Current federal support programs for caregivers are inadequate.

What is the Society fighting for on this issue?

Improvements to the Compassionate Care Benefit:

    • Increase the Employment Insurance benefit period to 26 weeks, accessible during a 52 week period.
    • Build more flexibility into the program.
    • Amend the Canada Labour Code to protect the jobs of caregivers.

Create a complementary program, not based on employment status, for those who are not eligible for the current Compassionate Care Benefit. 

Set up a Federal Expert Advisory panel to identify options for providing financial assistance to caregivers through the tax system.


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