Zahra Khakoo - Canadian Cancer Society Skip to Main Content
Relay for Life - Canadian Cancer Society


Remembering a loving father and husband at Relay For Life

A woman and her daughter at Relay For Life.Zahra understands just how quickly cancer can change your life. Her husband Arif found a sore in his mouth and was initially hesitant about seeing a doctor. After having the same sore three weeks later, Zahra encouraged him to get it checked and he finally made an appointment.

The news that came next would instantly change everything for the young family. Arif was diagnosed with oral cancer, leaving them in complete shock.

“When you hear the word cancer it’s easy to automatically get scared,” recalls Zahra. “We were worried, but tried to remain positive and were determined to keep fighting.”

After completing surgery and 32 rounds of radiation, doctors told the couple that Arif was cancer-free. Four months later, however, his cancer returned.

After sharing the news with loved ones, Zahra was encouraged by friends to participate in the Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life to honour Arif on his journey. While Arif could not attend the event, he encouraged Zahra, their 5-year-old daughter Ziyanna and their friends to form a team.

A young girl holds a photo of her father at Relay For Life.

Team “Salo Cancer” joined their community in Calgary and walked in honour of Arif and everyone touched by cancer. Two days after the event, Arif passed away at 44.

“I feel like Arif waited for us to finish the Relay event so that we could honour him. It was a sad time in our lives, but it was great to have the feeling of support from our community,” says Zahra.

Determined to change the future of this disease for other families, Zahra, her daughter and their team of relatives and friends have raised more than $100,000 to date.

“By participating and fundraising, we all get one step closer to finding a cure and stopping cancer from taking more of our loved ones,” shares Zahra. “We want to eradicate cancer and ensure that no one has to go through what we went through.”

With the passion and support of Zahra and participants, like you, the funds raised through Relay For Life will help fight all types of cancer and create a world where no Canadian fears cancer.
