Vancouver: Boob Ross & Friends - CIBC Run for the Cure


Boob Ross & Friends

We have come together as a team to support the thousands of Canadians diagnosed with breast cancer every year - including Mary, our team captain (aka Boob Ross)!
We are participating and fundraising for this year’s Canadian Cancer Society CIBC Run for the Cure, because we believe better treatment options and survival outcomes are possible. And we want to support all Canadians impacted by breast cancer, including our family and friends. 
With your help, we can reach our fundraising goal and fund groundbreaking breast cancer research and support programs and services for those impacted by this disease. Together, we can create a future without breast cancer. 
Please donate today. Help us give Canadians impacted by breast cancer a reason to have hope. 
Thank you! We appreciate your generous support.
Mary was diagnosed with stage 3 triple positive breast cancer (invasive ductal carcinoma) in 2022, at the age of 27. It was a great shock to everyone as Mary had no family history and was so young. Mary went through chemotherapy, immunotherapy, two surgeries (single mastectomy and reconstruction) and radiation. It was an extremely hard year of active treatment but Mary was considered cancer-free once the surgical report indicated she had a pathological complete response (PCR) from chemo which killed all the cancer cells! Yay! Today, Mary has finished all active treatment, is under hormonal therapy, and is back at school - pursuing her PhD in Experimental Medicine! Mary is loving life and is so thankful for the years of support from her loved ones and friends. If you have some $$ to spare, please consider donating to the cause. With just a couple of dollars, we can help research and help future cancer survivors. Research saves lives! Thank you so so so much!
Mary a été diagnostiquée avec un cancer du sein triple positif de stade 3 (carcinome canalaire infiltrant) en 2022, à l'âge de 27 ans. Ce fut un grand choc pour tout le monde, car Mary n'avait aucun antécédent familial et était si jeune. Mary a suivi une chimiothérapie, de l'immunothérapie, deux opérations (mastectomie et reconstruction) et une radiothérapie. Ce fut une année de traitements extrêmement difficile, mais Mary a été considérée comme "cancer-free" une fois que le rapport chirurgical a indiqué qu'elle avait eu une réponse complète pathologique grâce à la chimiothérapie qui a tué toutes les cellules cancéreuses ! Ouf ! Aujourd'hui, Mary a terminé tous ses traitements actifs, elle est sous hormonothérapie et a recommencé son doctorat en médecine expérimentale ! Mary adore la vie et est très reconnaissante pour les années de soutien par ses proches. Si vous avez quelques dollars à épargner, veuillez envisager de faire un don à cette cause si importante. Avec seulement quelques dollars, nous pouvons aider la recherche et aider les futurs survivants du cancer. Tout le monde, mêmes les personnes hors du Canada, peuvent faire un don. La recherche sauve des vies ! Merci infiniment !
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Our Story
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Our badges

We earned the 1 km challenge badge.

We earned the 5 km challenge badge.

We earned the 10 km challenge badge.

We achieved our distance goal!

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Fundraising honour roll
Thank You to my Donors!
David Lautner
Fossey family
Mary Fossey
Stina Jouband
Team activity
Distance achieved




Total activity - Vancouver
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