Toronto: Bajan Bubbies - CIBC Run for the Cure


Bajan Bubbies

For as long as I can remember, breast cancer has cast a shadow over my family. It's a disease that's affected mothers, sisters, aunts, and cousins, leaving behind a trail of pain and uncertainty. Yet, amidst the darkness, there's a glimmer of hope.

This fundraiser isn't just about raising awareness; it's about holding onto hope. Hope that one day, we'll live in a world where breast cancer is just a memory. Where families won't have to endure the heartache of watching their loved ones battle this relentless foe.

Every dollar raised, every step taken, brings us one step closer to that future. It's a future where my nieces and nephews won't have to fear the same fate as their mothers and grandmothers. It's a future filled with hope, possibility, and, most importantly, a cure.

So, as we embark on this journey together, let's hold onto that hope. Let's fight for a future where breast cancer is nothing more than a footnote in history. Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can find a cure.

Thank you for joining me in this fight!

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Our Story
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Our badges

We earned the 1 km challenge badge.

We earned the 5 km challenge badge.

We earned the 10 km challenge badge.

We achieved our distance goal!

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Fundraising honour roll
Thank You to my Donors!
Alicia D'Aguiar
Ben & Sharon
Candice Woods
East Coast Friendship Outpost
Emily Guttormson
Francesca Curto-Magnifico
Lara Rogers
Madison Makepeace
Matthew D'Aguiar
Michelle Farmer
Mike and Sara Carrington
Mr. Kevin Stanton
Ms. Jennine Ballard
Peter Marshall
Priya Schubert
Stephanie Armstrong
Team Bajan Bubbies
Vanz PD
Team activity
Distance achieved




Total activity - Toronto
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