Toronto: The Equifax Impact Team - CIBC Run for the Cure


The Equifax Impact Team

We have come together as a team to support the thousands of Canadians diagnosed with breast cancer every year.
We are participating and fundraising for this year’s Canadian Cancer Society CIBC Run for the Cure, because we believe better treatment options and survival outcomes are possible. And we want to support all Canadians impacted by breast cancer, including our family and friends. 
With your help, we can reach our fundraising goal and fund groundbreaking breast cancer research and support programs and services for those impacted by this disease. Together, we can create a future without breast cancer. 
Please donate today. Help us give Canadians impacted by breast cancer a reason to have hope. 
Thank you! We appreciate your generous support.
The Equifax Impact Team
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Our Story
Team leaderboard
Our badges

We earned the 1 km challenge badge.

We earned the 5 km challenge badge.

We earned the 10 km challenge badge.

We achieved our distance goal!

See all badges >

Fundraising honour roll
Thank You to my Donors!
Adele Webber
Andrea Lorenzon
Anthony Manna
Antoinette Di Napoli
Ashley Jagdat
Attila Imecs
Awesome job Ashley!
Brad Rauckman
Catherine Wighton
Cathie Hierman
Chase & Hudson
Chitsimran Chadha
Christopher F45
Christos Gerogianis
Christos Gerogianis A.K.A The guy who didn't wear a suit jacket at SKO 2023
Claude Lecours
Dane Bamburry
Darren Koylass
Denise Heslop
Diane Langohr
Eric Poblete
Frankie Hill
Go Team Go!!
Howell Family
In Honour of Ila Savla
Infantino family
Jacqueline Kitty Jordan
Jake Whitman
James R
Jane Harper
Jeffrey Wheatman
Jesse Martin
Jessica Heim
Joe W
John L
John La Vecchia
JohnPaul L
Julia Palmieri
Kathleen McDonell
Luana DiCandia
Manju Shringarpure
Manon Dupuis - My mom is a breast cancer's survivor. Thanks Dale!
Maureen Figliola
Me 😁
Mr. James B. Robinson
Mr. Russell Wicks
Mrs. Heather Aggarwal
Mrs. Pauline Saunders
Mrs. Rouba & Ray Jordan
Ms. Audrey Ho
Ms. Christie Ramsook
Ms. Mary Ann Patel
Ms. Winny Li
Nicole Morel
Octavia Howell
Rach & Jo - we're with you all the way!
Rose Cancelli
Sandra Padmore
Sara Roy
Scot Browne
Serap C
Sheria Bess
Simon Laurin
Susan Gazley
Susan Padmore
Taya Milisa
The Cooper Family
The wind beneath....Bert
Ush Logan
Valery Fontaine
Victoria Wighton
Team activity
Distance achieved




Total activity - Toronto
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Active users
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