Cancer Fighter fundraiser 2023: FoodFare WPS Half Marathon 2023 - Canadian Cancer Society - Become a Cancer Fighter

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Cancer Fighter fundraiser 2023

FoodFare WPS Half Marathon 2023

Since the founding of the Winnipeg Police Service Half Marathon in 2004, more than $2.2 million has been raised to fund all forms of cancer research.  100% of this fundraising goes to research teams dedicated to identifying cancer earlier, improving treatments and enhancing the quality of life of people living with cancer.  Since 2015, funds raised have been matched with a double their impact program to tackle one of the toughest forms of cancer – brain cancer. Brain/central nervous system (CNS) cancer is currently the most common cause of cancer death among older adolescents and young adults aged 15-29 years. In adults, it is a devastating disease with a 5-year survival of only 23%, compared to over 63% for cancers overall. We know research can change outcomes for this disease and support is needed for those living with and beyond it.

We have seen firsthand the results of donations raised from this event. Dr. Geyer, a Prairie researcher, and his team have developed an imaging agent that can be injected into the patient just before a procedure. This agent emits light helping doctors better distinguish cancerous tissue from healthy tissue and see its defined borders.

Canadian Cancer Society is the second largest national charitable funder of research into cancers of the brain and CNS. An internationally respected, science-based, peer-review process identifies the projects that provide the best opportunity for success and saving lives. In 2019, the CCS-supported Canadian Cancer Trials Group led 8 active brain cancer clinical trials, testing new therapies and approaches with Canadians affected by the disease. These trials took place in 20 cities in 8 provinces across Canada.  It is through the tireless efforts of events like the Foodfare WPS Half Marathon and donors, such as yourself, that such research projects and trials are possible.  In addition to life-saving research, your donation helps provide a support system that helps people with brain cancer and their caregivers live their lives as fully as possible. Your gift helps people better manage life with cancer, provides community and connection, and builds wellness and resilience throughout the cancer journey.  Thank you for your generosity!


For more information or to register as a participant, please see

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Proceeds from our fundraiser will support the fight against cancer

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Allison Murray
Ayn and family
Barbara Eileen Krahn
Carol and Peter
Chantal Beaulieu
Christine McKinley
Dan Hall
Danielle Dupuis et Jean-Guy Legal
Danielle Gatin
Darlene Karlstedt
David Leibl
Deb Radi
Elaine Sartin
Foodfare WPS Half Marathon 2023
Geneviève Legal
George Malmstrom
Gerry & Larry
Janet Hall
Jenny Hall
Judy and David
Julie Gagnon
Ken Porosky
Kirsten Parker
Lesley-Ann O'Hara
Leslie M.
Lianne Desrochers
Lucile Griffiths
Lyle Rance
Maureen Spier
Melody & Murray
Micheline Lafond et Joël Lambert
Michelle A
Michelle Hillyard
Muski Ts.
Natalie Chan
Raymond Lafond
Reid Parker
Remi David
Ron McDonell
Stephanie Roberecki
Susan Hill
The Fournier's
Val McKinley
$45,934.97 raised
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