Relay For Life at University of Windsor 2024: Tumour Terminators! - Relay For Life

Relay For Life at University of Windsor 2024

Muneeb's name written in her native language, I am refraining from posting a photo of her out of respect
Muneeb's name written in her native language, I am refraining from posting a photo of her out of respect

Tumour Terminators!

When I think of my cousin Muneeb, I think of her as being someone who was full of sunshine, light, and joy. You could barely tell that she was suffering when you saw her. You would never know that she had cancer. Since we were both the youngest siblings of our families, we became great friends. I recognized that her shorter hair, frequent sickness and need to take special medication, but until I heard whispers about "chemotherapy" and "remission" coming from my aunt and mother, I never really put the dots together. One day, my cousin collapsed in the middle of the street. Her sister screamed out for help, and she was rushed to the hospital.  Despite all our prayers, Muneeb Baji was martyred in her struggle with cancer.

Muneeb Baji was caring and selfless, and I want her spirit to live on through Relay for Life. The saddest part about it is that perhaps if she had access to better healthcare, and more robust cancer treatments, then she may have survived. This is why I want to dedicate my Relay for Life team to her. Relay for Life fundraises for cancer research in the hopes of finding a cure. In her honour, I want to help raise money so that neccessary cancer treatment is available to all. I hope you will join me in keeping her name alive and relaying for a cure. In her name, I relay. 

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$293.08 raised $1,500.00 goal

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