Relay For Life at University of Windsor 2024: Survivor Warriors - Relay For Life

Relay For Life at University of Windsor 2024

Survivor Warriors

At the age of 3, I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, AML. In order to give me a chance to survive, I needed a bone marrow transplant. I had undergone intense chemotherapy treatments in order to wipe my immune system for this transplant. Prior to getting my transplant, I got an infection which doctors feared for the most. I had no white blood cells in my body to fight this off. I had some scary moments and it was unsure whether I would pull out of it. By complete miracle I beat the infection and was able to fly to Sickkids for the transplant. Normally the process of finding a donor is lengthy and is proved to be a battle amongst itself. However, my sister was a 10/10 match and the process was very fast. This also contributed to saving my life! It has been 20 years since my transplant and I have been in remission since. Cancer is life changing and is something that gives you a brighter meaning and outlook on life. It helped made who I am and what I value, and I wouldn’t be who I am today without having gone through cancer! In order to help others beat cancer we must be there to support them. Please come together with me to fundraise, in hopes of helping people like those who have helped me! This support is truly life changing and will stick with cancer patients and their families for life. 

Please help us reach our fundraising goal for Relay For Life.  It doesn’t matter how small the step, it makes a difference. Not only for those living with cancer now, but for those remembering and honouring those we’ve lost. A donation of $25, $50 or $100 could help make sure a team of researchers has the resources they need to make a life-saving discovery or a patient has access to support services when they need it most. 

Think about the impact we can make together! 

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$0.00 raised $1,500.00 goal

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