Relay For Life at Cayuga Secondary School 2024: McKinnon Park - Relay For Life

Relay For Life at Cayuga Secondary School 2024

McKinnon Park

The McKinnon park team is ecstatic to be joining Cayuga for such an amazing fundraiser. Each member of our team has been touched by the impact of cancer in some way whether through family, friends or loved ones. We all understand how deeply cancer impacts our society and we are thankful for Cayuga Secondary School allowing us to join them this year and hope to start a new tradition brining two communities together. During this event we are not only walking with our team and relay for life participants but for the millions of Canadians affected by this disease. Cancer is the leading cause of death in all of Canada we will walk so those living with cancer and those remembering the loved ones they lost never have to walk alone.

Please help us reach my fundraising goal. No matter how much you donate, every dollar goes a long way. A donation of $25, $50 or $100 could help ensure a team of researchers has the resources they need to make a life-changing discovery, or a patient has access to support services when they need it most.
Think about the impact we can make together!

McKinnon Park team.

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Support McKinnon Park at Relay For Life


Our Progress

$2,781.30 raised $2,000.00 goal

Our Story

Team members

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Presenting sponsor
