Relay For Life at Cayuga Secondary School 2024: The Anklebiters - Relay For Life

Relay For Life at Cayuga Secondary School 2024

The Anklebiters

With multiple people in my family suffering from cancer, I'm doing anything I can in my power to support research and funding for cancer programs. That's why it's important for me, and my team, to reach our fundraising goal.

As many of you or people you may know have either witnessed someone going through cancer or experienced it yourself, you know how important it is to have support from anyone around you. It can be difficult to go through a very common disease. Though people may not have the same type of cancer, everyone is connected by their experiences.

If we can reach $1000 simply online, and the additional we earn from cash donations, we will be supporting mulitple people or families across the country. We appreciate anything sent our way and support given to us by family and friends.

We will be taking part in a school bake sale on May 4th at Cayuga Secondary featuring home baked goods personally made by myself and our team! Any proceeds go towards Relay for Life.

Thank you! - Lorelei Bauer (Team Captain)

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Support The Anklebiters at Relay For Life


Our Progress

$1,019.20 raised $1,000.00 goal

Our Story

Team members

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