Relay For Life at Dr. John M. Denison Secondary School 2024: 11 Glucose Patrol - Relay For Life

Relay For Life at Dr. John M. Denison Secondary School 2024

11 Glucose Patrol

"Relay for Life" is a community event that raises money for cancer research and supports cancer patients and survivors. Participants form teams and take turns walking around a track, symbolizing the ongoing fight against cancer. This event brings people together to honour those affected by cancer and to show support for the fight against this disease. Relay for Life raises awareness about cancer prevention and the importance of early detection.


By participating in Relay for Life, individuals show their solidarity with those battling cancer and contribute to the ongoing efforts to find a cure. The event also serves as a platform for sharing personal stories of resilience and hope, inspiring others to stay strong in the face of adversity. Through fundraising activities and heartfelt tributes, Relay for Life creates a sense of community and unity in the fight against cancer.


Attending Relay for Life offers a chance to engage with local resources and support services for cancer patients and their families. The event fosters a sense of empowerment and encouragement, reminding everyone that they are not alone in their struggles. Relay for Life is a powerful demonstration of the collective strength and determination to overcome the challenges posed by cancer, bringing hope to those in need and spreading awareness about the importance of ongoing research and support.

Please help us reach our fundraising goal. No matter how much you donate, every dollar goes a long way. A donation of $25, $50 or $100 could help ensure a team of researchers has the resources they need to make a life-changing discovery, or a patient has access to support services when they need it most.

Think about the impact we can make together!


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Support 11 Glucose Patrol at Relay For Life


Our Progress

$1,663.30 raised $1,000.00 goal

Our Story

Team members

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Presenting sponsor
