Relay for Life at Kingston Secondary School 2024: Shades for Aid - Relay For Life

Relay for Life at Kingston Secondary School 2024

Shades for Aid

Our names are Jack, Jonah, Stepan, and Aidan. We're in Grade 12 at Kingston Secondary and we've participated in Relay For Life the past couple of years now. Cancer has touched each of our lives in a unique way, and having paid witness to the horrible and heart-wrenching things cancer can cause, we've decided to honour all those affected by raising money to find a cure.

Because no family, no individual, should ever have to suffer at cancer's hand. 

Nearly half of Canadians are expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes. The chances of you, or someone close to you, getting or having cancer is astronomically high.

If you're able, please consider donating. $5, $10, $20, $50, every little bit helps when you're up against a foe as extrordinary as cancer. If you're unable to donate, please consider sharing this page to someone else.

Thank you.

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Support Shades for Aid at Relay For Life


Our Progress

$3,157.12 raised $1,500.00 goal

Our Story

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