Relay For Life at Earl of March Secondary School 2024: LIFESAVERS - Relay For Life

Relay For Life at Earl of March Secondary School 2024

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As a group of teenage boys from Earl of March Secondary School, we are determined to make an impact on the world by fundraising for cancer research.

With nearly half of Canadians expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, we’re more determined than ever to get rid of this disease. Our families, friends, and maybe even a random stranger like the local barber could be affected by cancer. And that makes it personal to all of us; no matter how prevalent cancer is in our lives, we all have a responsibility to fight for a better future for all of us.

Please help us reach our fundraising goal. No matter how much you donate, every dollar goes a long way. With your help, a team of researchers can possibly get the resources they need to make a life-changing discovery, or a patient can possibly get access to support services when they need it most.


Think about the impact we can make together!

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Support LIFESAVERS at Relay For Life


Our Progress

$505.20 raised $1,000.00 goal

Our Story

Team members

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Presenting sponsor
