Relay For Life at Donald A Wilson Secondary School 2024: The Seavivors - Relay For Life

Relay For Life at Donald A Wilson Secondary School 2024

Meet the group!!!
Meet the group!!!

The Seavivors

Cancer is more than just a disease, it's not as small as a disease. Cancer is like the ocean, so enormous, so vaste, and so big that it overcomes all that it consumes.
It's hard to battle such a strong force. Something so ferocious. It sucks the life out of its strongest.
But we can combat it. We can take it on. We can work together and find a cure against this shallow illness. And it all starts with you. You, helping us, The Seavivors, find a way to help those that truly are surviving, to help those that need it most.
You can make a difference, and so we ask of you to, please, donate to our cause. No ocean is too wide, no illness we will let thrive.

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Support The Seavivors at Relay For Life


Our Progress

$3,590.50 raised $4,000.00 goal

Our Story

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