Relay For Life at Georgian Bay District Secondary School 2024: (hidden) - Relay For Life

Relay For Life at Georgian Bay District Secondary School 2024


Losing our Grandpa to cancer on June 11, 2022, shattered our world. He meant everything to me, from our tubing adventures to his laughter as I fell in the water, earning me the endearing nickname "candya**." Determined to honor his memory, my brother Parker and I pledged to do anything cancer-related.

As the Relay for Life approached, memories of Grandpa's strength fueled our resolve. We organized fundraisers, drawing support from friends and strangers alike. On the day of the relay, I will wear his clothes proud.

Crossing the finish line hand in hand with Parker, I know Grandpa will be watching over us, proud of our efforts to continue the fight against cancer in his name. He may be gone, but his legacy lives on through our unwavering dedication.



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Support (hidden) at Relay For Life


Our Progress

$1,024.10 raised $1,000.00 goal

Our Story

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