Relay For Life at Monsignor Doyle Catholic Secondary School 2024: Fuhuhluhtoogans - Relay For Life

Relay For Life at Monsignor Doyle Catholic Secondary School 2024

Flick the Cat
Flick the Cat


As Canadians, cancer touches us all deeply. It's a stark reality that nearly half of us will face this disease in our lifetime, affecting not just individuals but our entire communities. Our loved ones, our friends—each one of us knows someone impacted by cancer, and it becomes a deeply personal journey for all.

At the heart of our mission is the unwavering belief that we can change the course of this disease. Our mascot, Flick the Cat, embodies this hope. Flick is more than a symbol; Flick represents resilience, courage, and the unwavering spirit of those facing cancer.

Every donation, no matter the amount—whether it's $25, $50, or $100—becomes a beacon of hope. It fuels the work of dedicated researchers striving for breakthrough discoveries. It ensures that patients have access to vital support services during their toughest moments.

Together, we can create a profound impact. Let's join hands, inspired by Flick's spirit, and make a difference in the lives of those battling cancer. Your contribution, no matter how small, is a step towards a future where cancer is no longer a threat we fear but a challenge we conquer together.

Thank you for being a part of this journey of hope and healing.

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$1,008.50 raised $1,500.00 goal

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