Relay My Way

RMD Sparkies

 As you may know, my brother Michael is going through one of the toughest things imaginable, having recently been diagnosed with advanced metastatic cancer. Our family and friends have been touched a number of times by cancer. And we know you have been touched by cancer, too.

We’re reaching out to ask you to support our team, “RMD Sparkies”, in the Relay for Life. Michael values our support, and wants us to stand together with all those we love who have fought, are fighting, or have beaten cancer.

We will be coordinating a small local event in Regina on June 8, 2024, as a Relay My Way event held in coordination with the Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life event.

Everyone on our team has their own reasons for participating in the Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life, but one thing unites us all: a belief that we can change the future of cancer forever.  

Thank you! 

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Support RMD Sparkies at Relay For Life


Our Progress

$5,120.40 raised $2,500.00 goal

Our Story

Team members

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