Relay For Life in Halton/Hamilton/Niagara 2024

Chisholm Academy

Chisholm Academy has always stood up against cancer! We will continue our tradition of supporting the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life fundraiser this year.

We would love for the Chisholm family to come together and support a good cause by raising money for research and walking, biking or running as we celebrate survivors and remember loved ones we've lost. 

Nearly 1 in 2 Canadians are expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. That means half of our family and friends will hear the words “you have cancer” at some point in their lives. Join us so we can show our communities that no one has to face cancer alone. 

Everyone on our team has their own reasons for participating in the Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life, but one thing unites us all: a belief that we can create a world where no one fears cancer.  

We hope we can count on your support. Join our team and help us fundraise. Or make a donation to fund Canada’s most promising research, vital support services for patients and their families, and other important work that could change the future of cancer. 

Thank you!   

Mrs. Moyssakos and Mr. Tollefsrud 

Check out our Relay participation from the last few years:

  • 2022:
  • 2021:
  • 2020:
  • 2019:
  • 2018: 
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Support Chisholm Academy at Relay For Life

Faire un don

Nos progrès

$2,379.30 amassés Objectif de $2,500.00

Notre histoire

Membres de l’équipe

Relay team

Gagner un prix pour une tente d'équipe

Soyez parmi les trois meilleures équipes de votre Relais! Les trois meilleures équipes qui auront amassé un montant minimal de 5000 $ avant la date limite du 27 mai 2024* auront droit à un espace pour installer la tente d’équipe. Vous pourrez décorer l'espace, vous y installer le jour du Relais et bénéficier de l'expérience VIP!

* Veuillez noter que seuls les fonds figurant sur le site Web du Relais avant le 27 mai 2024 à 22 h (HP) seront pris en compte.

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