Relay For Life in Chambly 2024

Les Soucys sans soucis

2022, a terrifying, yet eye-opening year. A year where a family member was diagnosed with stage three ovarian cancer. With this diagnosis came a lot of questions, a-lot of tests and a 16hour surgery to remove all that spread. After surgery and intense Chemo October 14, 2022 the news came, cancer free. Woot woot!! Then 2023, where everyone in our family gets tested and confirmed for the BRCA2 genetic and the start of our preventative measures.

Not everyone is lucky and alot of people don’t get the chance to take steps to prevent. So in this journey we are grateful for the ungrateful C. We walk and raise money so that those touched and affected with cancer can have the chance we have. The soucy motto; No one does this alone! You fight, we fight!

So let's fight together! Help us get to our goal!


Thank you all.

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Support Les Soucys sans soucis at Relay For Life


Our Progress

$2,555.94 raised $2,500.00 goal

Our Story

Team members

Relay team

Win a team tent award!

Be recognized as one of the top 3 teams at your Relay! The top 3 teams who meet the minimum fundraising amount of $5,000 by the deadline of May 27, 2024,* will receive a Team Tent space. You can decorate the space, hang out there on Relay Day and receive the VIP experience!

*Only funds reflected on the website by May 27, 2024, at 10 p.m. PST will be counted.

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