Relay My Way

Camperettes Crusading Against Cancer

Hello Family and Friends

Nearly half of Canadians are expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. That means almost half of our family and friends will hear the words “you have cancer” at some point in their lives. Join us so we can give people with cancer the help and support they need to lead more fulfilling lives.  Our journey is personal for each of us, we all have our story, but one thing unites us all: a belief that we can change the future of cancer forever.  Most of our team have been participating since 2002.

Together, we can give people with cancer the help and support they need to lead more fulfilling lives, fund promising cancer research, provide a compassionate support system; advocate for health protecing policites and provide trusted informaiton and resourses.  

Be the reason someone battling sees another sunset.

Thank you!

Camperettes Crusading Against Cancer


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Support Camperettes Crusading Against Cancer at Relay For Life


Our Progress

$9,826.24 raised $9,000.00 goal

Our Story

Team members

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