Relay for Life at Bell High School 2024: the nerds - Relay For Life

Relay for Life at Bell High School 2024


the nerds

After an ill-timed, autism-intolerant assembly announcing it, I decided it would be an appropriate waste of my day to participate in Relay (well, more appropriate than sitting through classes not learning anything, anyways). I somehow managed to convince a bunch of my friends to join me, and we are probably going to be the least notable team at Relay for the second consecutive year. But hey, at least we'll raise $600 as a minimum requirement to participate!

Okay, in all seriousness, cancer is not a joke. I am not disrespecting anyone who is or knows someone who is currently going through or has previously gone through a cancer diagnosis and treatment (and potentially even a loss). I am, however, disrespecting the staff and student council of Bell High School. Probably none of them are ever going to read this, so I could honestly say whatever I want here and be fine. But just in case someone at the school reads this, please know that neither I nor most of my friend group feel like we are welcomed and supported in the halls... I could elaborate further, but hey, you don't value my opinion anyways.

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Support the nerds at Relay For Life


Our Progress

$845.10 raised $777.77 goal

Our Story

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