Kelowna: The Tumerators - CIBC Run for the Cure


The Tumerators!
The Tumerators!

The Tumerators

My mother and my family's story started early in 2021, when my mom, Tracee Pratt, one of the strongest people I have ever met, was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer. When all seemed to be finally turning a new page for her, her career, and our family, cancer crept up to destroy whatever foundation of happiness she and our family had constructed.

After life threatening surgery, months on end of pain, and sleepless nights of chemo and radiation, my mom pulled through to beat cancer's butt. But not because of any miracle, but because of how strong and brave she was and still is.

Even though she was the one going through all of the mental and physical pain and suffering, she kept our family strong, optimistic, and together.

My courageous, fearless, and beautiful mother, who is not just a survivor, but a warrior. She is a symbol of hope, an embodiment of resilience, and a testament to the power of love. Her victory over this formidable foe has touched countless lives and shown us all the value of never giving up.

Her life will forever continue to shine brightly because of who she is, touching whoever hears her story with her indomitable spirit and leaving a trail of hope and inspiration wherever she goes.

She is a survivor, and she is not alone.

We are participating and fundraising for this year’s Canadian Cancer Society CIBC Run for the Cure on Sunday, October 1, 2023, because we believe better treatment options and survival outcomes are possible. And we want to support all Canadians impacted by breast cancer, including our family and friends.

With your help, we can reach our fundraising goal and fund groundbreaking breast cancer research and support programs and services for those impacted by this disease. Together, we can create a future without breast cancer.

Please donate today. Help us give Canadians impacted by breast cancer a reason to have hope.

Thank you! We appreciate your generous support.

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Our Story
Team leaderboard
Our badges

We earned the 1 km challenge badge.

We earned the 5 km challenge badge.

We earned the 10 km challenge badge.

We achieved our distance goal!

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Fundraising honour roll
Thank You to my Donors!
Chelsea Stober
Greg Petterson
JLK Ventures Ltd
Joe D'Angelo
John Wiancko
Mike , Timmins Ontario
Tracee Pratt
Team activity
Distance achieved




Total activity - Kelowna
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