Vancouver: Sallying Forth - CIBC Run for the Cure


Sallying Forth

Verb: Sally Forth - To leave a safe place in a brave or confident way to do something difficult.

Ten years. How has it been ten years since Mum died?

She’s missed so much.

Ten years of birthdays. And Christmases. Ten years of paddling. Of book club. Gardening. Of dinner parties and dog walks. Of listening and supporting. And, heartbreakingly, ten years of getting to know her grandkids.

If only she had trusted her instincts when she first felt that lump. If only she had had that second opinion sooner.

But while I grieve those ten lost years, I cherish the ten before that. Because of the advances in cancer treatment and care, she lived for a decade after her recurrence. Years that she made the absolute most of. That time was such a gift.

Breast cancer continues to be the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Canadian women, touching the lives of so many every day. The Run for the Cure gives families, friends and supporters the opportunity to join together to honour and celebrate their loved ones, and make a real difference by funding research, advocacy and support programs.

So on Sunday, October 1st, I’ll be there. Just like Mum and I always were.

If you can, I’d love for you to join us. If you can't make it, I would be grateful for a donation in Mum's memory.

Let’s give more families the gift of time.

- Gwen

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