My Run. Anywhere. Any way.: trish purdys run for a cure!- La Course à la vie CIBC

My Run. Anywhere. Any way.

trish purdys run for a cure!

We have come together as a team to support the estimated 27,700 women and 260 men diagnosed with breast cancer every year in Canada.

We are participating and fundraising for this year’s Canadian Cancer Society CIBC Run for the Cure on Sunday, October 1, 2023, because we believe better treatment options and survival outcomes are possible. And we want to support all Canadians impacted by breast cancer, including our family and friends.

With your help, we can reach our fundraising goal and fund groundbreaking breast cancer research and support programs and services for those impacted by this disease. Together, we can create a future without breast cancer.

Please donate today. Help us give Canadians impacted by breast cancer a reason to have hope.

Thank you! We appreciate your generous support.

P.S. Did you know? Participants who raise $2,500 or more as an individual will have the option to choose where they want their fundraising dollars to go. Select from one of six meaningful and impactful breast cancer designation areas below to designate your funds.
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Appuyez trish purdys run for a cure!

Notre histoire
Nos badges

Nous avons obtenu l’insigne du défi de 1 km.

Nous avons reçu l’insigne du défi de 5 km.

Nous avons reçu l’insigne du défi de 10 km.

Nous avons atteint notre objectif de distance !

Voir tous les badges >

Liste d’honneur de collecte de fonds
Thank You to my Donors!
Activité d'équipe
Distance atteinte




Activité totale - Ma Course, n'importe où, à ma façon
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Utilisateurs actifs
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