Burlington/Hamilton/Oakville: Walkin' with LOVE(ll's) - CIBC Run for the Cure


Me 2 weeks post double mastectomy!!!!
Me 2 weeks post double mastectomy!!!!

Walkin' with LOVE(ll's)

We have come together as a team to support the thousands of Canadians diagnosed with breast cancer every year.
Breast cancer has always been a very dear cause to me and I have participated in prior years. This year is different. 

Feb 2024 my world was flipped upside down with the words no one wants to hear. You have stage 2 HER breast cancer.  How me? Why me? What the f@*^ am I going to do. All these things ran through my mind. Then came the tears, the anger and a little bit of the pity party. But I realized very quickly this disease does not wait for you to get on board. That is where my mind set shifted. Okay so yes now what? What do I do? How to I kick this disease ass?

I went through 8 rounds of chemo over a 16 week period followed by a double mascetomy on August 19.  This past Monday I heard the words that anyone battling this disease wants to hear "there in no evidence of residual carcinoma". Cancer free baby!!!!! I still have at least 6 months of reconstruction and years of close monitoring ahead of me but I'm on my way
To everyone fighting this insane mind fuck of a disease I'm there with ya!!! Sending lots of love - let's kick cancers ass!
We are participating and fundraising for this year’s Canadian Cancer Society CIBC Run for the Cure, because we believe better treatment options and survival outcomes are possible. And we want to support all Canadians impacted by breast cancer, including our family and friends. 
With your help, we can reach our fundraising goal and fund groundbreaking breast cancer research and support programs and services for those impacted by this disease. Together, we can create a future without breast cancer. 
Please donate today. Help us give Canadians impacted by breast cancer a reason to have hope. 
Thank you! We appreciate your generous support.
the LOVElls and our amazing team!!!!
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Support Walkin' with LOVE(ll's)

Our Story
Team leaderboard
Our badges

We received our first donation.

We raised $500!

We raised $1,000!

We raised $2,000!

We raised $2,500!

We raised $5,000!

We earned the 1 km challenge badge.

We earned the 5 km challenge badge.

We earned the 10 km challenge badge.

We achieved our distance goal!

I am a top fundraiser!

See all badges >

Fundraising honour roll
Thank You to my Donors!
Alyssa & Clay
Alyssa &Avery Lee
Alyssa Lee
April Zeleny
Astrid Banks
Aunt Libby and Michael
Auntie Brenda
Becki N.
Chelsea Williams-Sparaga
Cheryl-Anne Murray
Christy Di Clemente
Claire & Isla
Dinga and Dingo
Donna Trayling
Emma & Hannah Dewsnap
Erin, Olivia and Gillian
Georgia Farrell
Heather & Jeremy Williams
Jan and Pete
Jason Sparaga
Joanne Islip
Jodie Bryce
Julie Cayen
Julissa Aguiar
Kristine Needham
Laratta Family
Leanne S
Lenny chantiam
Linda snd Frank
Lynda & Andrew Draves
Mark & Christine Keyes
Maureen Galivan
Meg Baker
Mia Liu
Mrs. Theresa Toperczer
Ms. Angela Finnegan
Ms. Lauren Cutaia
Nadine Sidhu
Nana and Papa
Nicole Lovell
Poochy, Lela, Chiara & Stefano
Rebecca Johnston
Sam Vassel
Sandra Konyu
Sarah Lowicki
Sheri Fritzley
Stacey Johnson
Sue & Reno Boetto
Tammy Vigna
Teagan Howard
The Bird Family🦜
The Lucas Family
Wendy Crough
Team activity
Distance achieved




Total activity - Burlington/Hamilton/Oakville
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