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Relais pour la vie - Société canadienne du cancer


CHEP Canada

CHEP Canada, a proud participant in the Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life.

CHEP Cares is CHEP’s global community outreach initiative that encourages employees to show leadership in social responsibility through volunteering and fund raising to support programs that are important in our communities. Relay for Life is CHEP Cares’ signature charity in 2016 with CHEP employees participating in events planned across Canada.

CHEP is the global leader in pooling solutions specializing in providing reusable pallets, crates, containers and associated logistics services in over 50 countries. CHEP operates 25 strategically located Service Centres across Canada servicing over 10,000 manufacturing and retailing customers.

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Les 10 premiers événements
Les 10 premières équipes
Les 10 premiers participants