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Why I relay? That's easy

As event Chair for Ottawa Relay for Life, I am inviting all of Ottawa to relay on Friday June 12 in Nepean, June 19 at either Orleans or Stittsville. Cancer impacts us all so come out and Celebrate, Remember and Fight back!

Pete Thompson

I have been a Canadian Cancer Society volunteer for over 20 years in Yukon, British Columbia and Ontario.

I volunteered in Ottawa at the Ottawa Hospital Cancer Clinic/Lodge Program, Driver program, Peer support, Advocacy, and Community outreach. I was on the Ottawa Unit Board of Directors as the Community Services Chair, and involved in all fundraising activities from Daffodils, Cops for Cancer and of course Relay For Life.

I have been a part of Relay For Life in Ottawa for seven years. I also did the Petawawa event as well for two years. I have been a team participant and team captain. I joined the Relay For Life event steering committee and have worked with volunteers, teams, treasury, and registration committees. Last year I assisted in the Ottawa Relay For Life executive team as vice-chair for all three relay events for Nepean, Orleans and Stittsville. I am currently Event Chair for Nepean on June 12, 2009.

Why I relay?
As a son, brother, father, husband, friend, neighbor, college professor, work colleague and community volunteer, I relay because I know how cancer impacts all of us in different ways!

As a patient, caregiver, and a person living with cancer, I relay because of the Canadian Cancer Society and its commitment for fiscal support to the Canadian Cancer Society's Research Institute. Beyond its leadership in advocacy with government and cancer prevention awareness within communities, in support of it's programs and services from peer support for people living with cancer, to the transportation program assisting patients to and from treatments and appointments as well as the entire Clinic and Lodge programs every day.

In addition, their stellar staff, dedicated volunteers and those amazing Relay For Life team captains, team members and their supporters who like me, are committed and want to contribute in whatever way they can towards the irradiation of this disease.

I relay because I know that the Canadian Cancer Society fundraising programs have the lowest administrative costs of any other run or walk charity and that my donated dollar has the highest contribution to research, as well as to programs for patients, caregivers and families in our Ottawa community.

As event chair for Ottawa Relay For Life, I am inviting all of Ottawa to relay as well. Friday June 12 in Nepean, June 19 in either Orleans or Stittsville.

Cancer impacts us all so come out and join me at Relay For Life, to Celebrate, to Remember and to Fight back.


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