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Why I'm not the one with cancer!

It robbed us of our dreams, it robbed her of her way of thinking, it tore us apart.

The content is that on the morning of July 17th, I was the luckiest man in the world, I had the greatest women that would stand beside me no matter what, I tell you this is what love is.
Well late that afternoon we were told by her doctor that she had cancer, and that cancer has been taking a piece of her away from me every day since, it is now November 9th and she has moved out of the house because she doesn’t want to be any trouble for me, and I can't do a dam thing about it.

Lord, help me I had to let her go.

I love the women so much and I had to let her go.


  • Donnez

    Luttez contre le cancer en contribuant à la recherche, au soutien offert aux personnes atteintes et leurs proches ainsi qu’à la prévention et à la défense de l’intérêt public.
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    Luttez contre le cancer en donnant de votre temps pour aider à sauver des vies.
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    Luttez contre le cancer en étant plus malin que lui. Informez-vous. Le savoir, c’est le pouvoir.
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